About Us

We are the lifestyle and entertainment platform that tries to deliver one thing: what makes women of today feel empowered? We try to design the content that helps women to stay on trend, feel confident in their skin while being healthy in fast complicated lives.

We have to find a way to continue to lift other women up in our worlds and in our lives as much as possible,” Mrs. Obama

BIH is one of the ways to lift women by sharing ways to make women feel empowered in their skin. This magazine covers everything the women of today intrigues to know. We provide clever insights on fashion, health, trends, lifestyle, housekeeping, healthcare and relationships for our readers to stay ahead of all.

Dear readers, the content published here is absolutely unfiltered and authentic to provide you maximum transparency on subject matters of your concern. We deliver the content with only one single aim- adding value to our reader’s time. We keep generating content on the tapped and not so tapped topics so that you get the 360 degree view on the things that might not catch your attention on regular days.
The beauty of BIH is that it caters women of all ages with different work backgrounds. The main audience being black women, the writers specifically focus on delivering content to uplift women of color. The content revolves around hair care, skin care, relationship issues, fashion and emotions that black women deal with in day to day lives and need more clarity on them in street smart ways.

BIH has the troop of experienced and trend observer black women as writers who know what women of color want today. We have some talented writers that have been in the industry from long and are factual psychics about black women issues that they address through the blogs. These blogs are designed after facts, research and interviews by renowned professionals.

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