#Hairproblems: My Hair is Constantly Shedding!

by | Fine Hair, Hair

Next to spontaneous combustion, shedding is an extension wearer’s worst nightmare! If you’re going through the motions, trying to figure out why your bathroom floor is carpeted with fallen hair, we’re here to help.

There are several reasons why your extensions may be shedding:

  • The manufacturer used a 2 headed sewing machine to make their wefts. This produces a fragile weft that causes the hair to shed.
  • Your wefts were damaged during installation.
  • Your hair has been damaged by heat, color or dryness and the “shedding” that you’re experiencing is actually breakage. Keep in mind that shedding starts at the root and breakage occurs along the shaft of the hair.
  • You have great quality extensions, however, you have been using them for years and after several installs your wefts are beginning to wear.
  • If you’re using keratin tipped extensions, the tips may be too thick and/or rectangular shape, making it difficult to properly fuse the extension to your natural hair. This can result in almost immediate loss of hair strands after the installation.

Here are some solutions to consider:

  • It may be time to choose a new brand. Research the hair extensions that you are thinking about buying. Pay close attention to how the wefts are constructed. More times than not, the wefts are the root of the problem. Opt for a company that uses a 3 headed sewing machine to make their wefts. You can also wear this hair longer because the weft is stronger and doesn’t wear as easily.
  • BE GENTLE with your wefts. The weft is the foundation of any good bundle. Without it everything falls apart, literally. If possible, try to avoid cutting and sewing through your wefts.
  • Consider using a weft sealer to reinforce your wefts if you do decide to cut your wefts. This is also helpful if your wefts are starting to naturally wear over time.
  • For keratin tips, opt for a v-shaped keratin bond instead of rectangular ones. Their unique shape creates a better fusion between the hair extensions and your natural hair.

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