Paper Standards, Dulcie Essie & Inner U with Indique Hair on IWD 2021

by | Celebrity Interview, Lifestyle

To celebrate Women’s History Month Indique is shining the spotlight on 3 women who have stepped out as entrepreneurs. To accelerate the conversation around gender equality we must amplify female voices that are defying the odds, following their passion, and creating their own lane.

Let’s see what they have to Share with us this International Women’s Day

Krystal J. Leary – Dulcie Essie – Organic Soap Company

Fluff: What does beauty mean to you?

Krystal: Beauty means confidence, happiness, loving yourself, and taking time for self-care.

Fluff: If you could go back to when you first began your business, what advice would you give yourself?

Krystal: I would tell myself to stay consistent, to never spend too much time away from your business, and most importantly, plan ahead.

Fluff: Describe yourself in one word

Krystal: To describe myself in one word, I would say ‘Ambitious.’ I know I have what it takes to succeed.

Fluff: What do you love the most about being a woman?

Krystal: What I love most about being a woman would be my intuition and my problem-solving capabilities.

Felicia Canizales – Inner U Esthetics – Skincare

Fluff: What does beauty mean to you?

Felicia: Beauty to me means being confident in your own skin and nourishing the mind and body that with you are able to glow from the inside out.

Fluff: If you could go back to when you first began your business, what advice would you give yourself?

Felicia: It would be to not be so easily discouraged because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all to going out on a limb and chasing your dreams and starting your own business. You know your way is the right way, and don’t compare yourself to others, and don’t try to compromise yourself in your vision in order to fit into anybody else’s vision or anybody else’s timeline.

Fluff: Describe yourself in one word

Felicia: It would probably be unapologetic but in a good way.

Fluff: What do you love the most about being a woman?

Felicia: I think what I love most about being a woman is defying odds and looking pretty doing it.

Shay Lyn – Paper Standards – Luxury Stationery

Fluff: What does beauty mean to you?

Shay: Beauty is anything that allows you to feel joy and to feel better about yourself. Once you feel good about yourself on the inside, it begins to exude on the outside.

Fluff: If you could go back to when you first began your business, what advice would you give yourself?

Shay: If I could go back to when I first started my business and give myself a piece of advice, it would be not to overthink.

Many of the ideas that we have, we ponder on them for a long time before we get them out into the world. It’s better to get started now than to spend months and years trying to perfect something. It’s very fun to learn on the way. So, don’t overthink. Just get started now.  

Fluff: Describe yourself in one word

Shay: If I could describe myself in one word, it would be ‘self-motivated.’ I don’t need a lot of outside sources to feel motivated to do the things that I have within my mind and in my heart, and I think that’s really a plus. A lot of people are held back by fear and lack of confidence. So, once you tap into that inner confidence, you really don’t need any outside sources to get yourself going.


Fluff: What do you love the most about being a woman?

Shay: What I love most about being a woman is just simple feminine energy, like women are so beautiful. We can be soft but also bold at the same exact time. Yeah, I think that is something that is unique to us, and yeah, I feel it every day, I feel it within myself, I feel it in the women I interact with.

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