Something Smells Good In Hair: The Must-Have Hair Mist

by | Hair

Exclusive Fluff Interview with Alexia P. Hammonds,Founder of Eat. Sweat. Undress

Did you know spraying perfume on your hair is one of the most effective ways to make its captivating scent last all day long. But not just any fragrance will do. Alexia P. Hammonds, Founder of Eat. Sweat. Undress has created a hair mists that is specially formulated to be gentle on your hair with the most.

Why Eat. Sweat. Undress? Tell us how your brand came to be.

I created Eat. Sweat. Undress. in 2012 out of my love and industry experience in beauty, fitness, wellness, fine dining, and my love for high-end lingerie. I wanted one place to hone in on all the things I love. I’ve done fashion, fitness, and beauty TV segments for years, sharing my love for products and services for women on the go. ESU is a hub for this.

Why use your hair mist and not just regular perfume to freshen your hair?

Regular perfume has a very high percentage of alcohol, even your expensive Eau de parfum. There are different types of alcohol. My hair mist contains ethanol which is safe for all hair types. Body fragrance and hair mist are formulated differently. Spraying regular perfume/cologne on your hair will dry it out, cause brittleness, and eventually breakage. We spend too much money on our natural hair and extensions. No one has time for damaged hair!

Describe when the idea of designing a collection of hair mist came to you? What was the ah-ha moment?

I grew up loving fragrance. The women in my family taught us about the importance of wearing fine fragrances, how to choose and why, and types of fragrances (ex: Parfum, Eau de parfum, eau de toilette, Eau Fraiche, etc.). I have always wanted to have my own collection. When I was planning to relaunch ESU in 2019, I realized to stand out in a sea of fragrances, it was wise to pick a lane that wasn’t oversaturated. Hair mist or hair perfume was the perfect fit. There were only 65 brands of Hair Mist when I came into the market. Our difference is we combine fine fragrance with hair care benefits (Keratin and Cashmilan) for all hair types. My Hair Mist collection has the highest fragrance oil percentage on the market. Being the first black woman to have a hair mist and create a fragrance in Grasse, FR, the historic birthplace of perfume, is huge, and I don’t take this lightly.

For those who may not be familiar, can you share the significance of creating the formulation for your fragrances in Grasse, France?

Absolutely! Grasse, France, is the historic birthplace of all fragrances. It is a privilege to be granted access to perfumers and labs in Grasse as they can pick and choose which projects they want to take on. Fragrance professionals and enthusiasts understand the significance. It adds a level of cache to your collection to be able to say “Made In France” as it is known what it takes, access and financially, to be able to do so. As a black woman, I am so proud that no matter what, I will always have the honor of saying I am the first to create hair perfume overall and the first to make a fragrance of any kind in historic Grasse, France.

We love the scent names! What are the inspirations behind each fragrance?

Thank you! DALLAS is named for my love of the city I reside in, Texas. I found my sense of self there. Diani Beach is in south Mombasa, Kenya. I named this fragrance to honor a beautiful trip I took with someone I loved very much at the time. Garden Party celebrates my parents and my childhood. My parents threw the most amazing garden parties in our yard for black society men and women in Atlanta. It was a beautiful thing to experience. I took Japanese in high school. Koko Ni means “here.” Koko Ni is all about confidence, presence, and sexiness. I am “here” and you will deal with my confidence. Carnal 4 honors a long-term on and off relationship I had with someone who will always hold a special place in my heart. The word carnal relates to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities. 4 is his line number in his fraternity. You’d be surprised how many men and women reached out to me on social media, sharing that they totally relate with my Carnal 4 story inspiration. I want everyone to feel comfortable with their sexuality.

Which mist is your favorite scent?

Do you know how hard of a question this is? These are my children! Ha! I’d say Diani Beach at the moment. Carnal 4 is usually my favorite, and it is our top seller. I “designed” my entire collection around Carnal 4.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of creating their own beauty/lifestyle brand?

Please be mindful of the numbers. Create a cash flow and sales projections spreadsheet. If you are creating products (especially overseas), factor in shipping costs. Trust in your vision and stay true to it as no one will understand it quite like you. I was told that creating a hair mist was a stupid idea, and well… Now, you MUST be open to feedback from trusted individuals who know more than you do. Reach out to people with a proven track record (not people with success by proximity! This is crucial and a TedTalk for another day!) in the field you’re going into, connect with people who have strengths in areas you are not as strong in. Be humble enough to ask for help.

Lastly, what is your favorite Indique texture and why?

Pure Curly! I love sexy bed head effortless hair. It’s fun to break up the curl pattern! I’m a Dallas, Texas woman by way of Atlanta, Georgia, so I love big hair!

Alexia wearing a jewel adorned pony using Pure Curly 18”

Try Eat. Sweat. Undress Hair Mist with special coupon code below :

SEXYHAIR for 30% off full-size hair mist

DISCOVER for 10% off Discover Set

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