3 Easy-to-Make Detox Drinks For This Summer

by | Lifestyle

“Detoxing” is one of those overused diet hype words. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Drink a liquid, rid your body of all those harmful things you’ve been feeding it. Unfortunately, the only real way to maintain a healthy body, gut and overall wellness is to stay hydrated, eat more whole and fewer processed foods. Our systems are designed to rid us of dangerous toxins – no secret concoction can do it for us.


While liquid cure-alls are not really a thing, there are some steps you can take to support your body in its function and digestion, leading to a body that can effectively do its job. Ingredients such as lemon, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and ginger have benefits that are worth exploring.


Remember: Excessively eating food high in processed sugar and fat and/or smoking and drinking will cause damage that no amount of detox bevs can fix. But read on for some refreshing drinks to boost your bod’s overall efficiency

Lemon Water

Lemon Water

A huge portion of detox beverage recipes stem from this simple combo: water with lemon. Hydration is one of the biggest factors in flushing out our systems, so simply drinking more of it will aid in detoxification. Adding lemon will give you a boost of vitamin C and fiber- not to mention making your H2O tastier. One popular take on this simple recipe is to drink it warmed, possibly helping digestion even more. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is said that the sour lemon taste helps stimulate “agni.” A strong agni stimulates the digestive system, helping to prevent the buildup of toxins.


1 full lemon

8 ounces of water

Optional: add sprigs of mint for flavor, vitamin A and antioxidants

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Much has been discussed about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. Studies show that while it is not quite the weight loss savior some claim it is, there are definite benefits due to the probiotics, acetic acid, and nutrients. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that keep harmful microorganisms in check, aid in digestion, and even help with absorption of nutrients. The acetic acid in ACV may help to control blood pressure and fat accumulation.


1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar

8 ounces of water

1 to 2 tablespoons sweetener (organic honey, maple syrup, or 4 drops of Stevia)

Green Ginger

Green Ginger

One of the VIP ingredients used in many detox drinks is ginger. Ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and is loaded with antioxidants to ward off cell damage. It’s also super beneficial for stomach issues – helping with nausea, bloating, and morning sickness. Try a version of the below recipe, to your taste.


Blend or juice:

2 stalks celery

½ cucumber

½ cup parsley

½ lemon

1 green apple

2 cups spinach

1½ cm ginger

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