Keep Your Skin Glowing

by | Skin

Radiant skin looks young and healthy, but it seems like it is impossible to achieve during colder months, right? Well good news, it is a lot easier than you think if you follow these few steps below!

1. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your skin makes your skin smoother & smooth skin reflects light more evenly. Dermatologist recommend using a cleansing brush daily to remove makeup and dead skin cells. In addition to this, use an exfoliating peel once a week!

2. Moisturize

Moisturizing the outside of your body is what drinking water is to the inside of your body! Hydrating your skin plays a huge part in the anti- aging skin process, decreasing the likelihood of developing wrinkles in the future.  

3. Decrease Sugar Intake

Sugar breaks down collagen and elastin in the skin. Over time this causes skin to become dull.

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